The Complete Digital Marketing Course – best digital marketing course in Kenya

The most complete digital marketing course in Kenya….

Digital Marketing Course Outline at Kenya Online College

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing

  • What is Digital Marketing?(Benefits, landscape in Kenya)
  • The Digital Marketing Funnel(Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Action, Retention)
  • Marketing in the Digital Age(Shifting consumer behavior, rise of social media, Rise of AI –Artificial Intelligence)
  • Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy(Setting goals, target audience analysis)

Module 2: Building and Understanding Websites

  • Foundation for understanding websites:A thorough understanding of how websites are built in case you may meet clients needing websites- learn how content is structured, user experience is designed, and ultimately how to translate marketing efforts on the web.

We delve into basic website structure (HTML, CSS, Javascript)

  • Optimizing content for web:Know about HTML basics like tags and structure to help you create content that’s more easily discoverable by search engines(SEO).
  • Building landing pages:Understanding landing page creation can be valuable if your employer/clients plan on running PPC campaigns or creating targeted marketing funnels.


Module 3: Content Marketing

  • The Power of Content(Content creation strategies, storytelling)
  • Content Formats(Blog posts, infographics, immersive photos, enchanting videos, social media content that sells- learn how to capture beautiful photos, record and edit immersive videos- we have a fully equipped photography and videography studio-, and design captivating social media graphics for your employers/client)
  • Keyword Research & Content Planning(Identifying relevant keywords for your client’s blog posts, content calendar)
  • Content Distribution & Promotion(SEO best practices, social media promotion)

Module 4: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • How Search Engines Work(Understanding search algorithms)
  • On-Page SEO(Keyword optimization, title tags, meta descriptions)
  • Off-Page SEO(Link building strategies, guest blogging)
  • Local SEO for Kenyan Businesses(Optimizing Google My Business listing)

*We also touch upon how understanding HTML helps with on-page SEO optimization (title tags, meta descriptions).


Module 5: Social Media Marketing (SMM)

  • Major Social Media Platforms in Kenya(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok)
  • Developing a Social Media Strategy(Identifying target audience on each platform)
  • Creating Engaging Social Media Content(Visuals, storytelling, community building)
  • Social Media Advertising(Campaign setup, targeting options, budget allocation)
  • Social Media Analytics & Reporting(Tracking key metrics)


Module 6: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

  • Fundamentals of PPC(Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Display Advertising)
  • Introduction to Google Ads(Campaign creation, keyword research, ad copywriting)
  • Campaign Targeting & Bidding Strategies(Targeting demographics, interests)
  • Conversion Tracking & Optimization(Measuring campaign success, optimizing for results)

* We also look at the importance of landing pages in PPC campaigns (we already built landing pages in module 1)


Module 7: Email Marketing

  • Building an Email List(Opt-in forms, lead magnets)
  • Crafting Effective Email Newsletters(Subject lines, email copywriting, design)
  • Email Automation Strategies(Welcome emails, drip campaigns)
  • Email Marketing Analytics(Open rates, click-through rates, conversion tracking)


Module 8: Web Analytics & Measurement

  • Introduction to Google Analytics(Setting up tracking codes, understanding reports)
  • Website Traffic Analysis(Sources, visitor behavior)
  • Conversion Tracking & Goal Setting(Tracking leads, sales)
  • Data-Driven Marketing Decisions(Using insights to improve campaigns)


Module 9: Additional Topics (Choose relevant ones based on your audience)

  • E-commerce Marketing(Optimizing online stores, product marketing)
  • Mobile Marketing(Strategies for reaching mobile users)
  • Affiliate Marketing(Generating income through partnerships)
  • YouTube & TikTok- make a laving as YouTube /TitTok content creator
  • Marketing Automation/ AI marketing(Using AI tools to streamline workflows)
  • Influencer Marketing(Partnering with influencers to reach target audience)
  • Video Marketing(Creating engaging video content for marketing)

Bonus Module (For Career Shifters & Business Owners):

  • Building a Digital Marketing Portfolio(Case studies, showcasing your skills)
  • Freelancing in Digital Marketing(Finding clients in Kenya and outside Kenya, setting rates)
  • The Future of Digital Marketing(Emerging trends and technologies)


  • Our course also includes interactive elements like practical case studies (learn from local Kenyan marketing examples), group projects, and guest speaker sessions.
  • Our course offers practical exercises and hands-on learning opportunities.


Launch Your Digital Marketing Dream: Join Kenya’s 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketers Club!

Tired of chasing dead-end jobs? Do you dream of a career that’s exciting, in-demand, and pays well? Digital marketing is exploding in Kenya, and our revolutionary program will put you at the forefront!

Why Choose Us? We Don’t Just Teach, We Launch Careers.

  • Unbeatable Internship & Job Placement:We have partnered with leading Kenyan companies who crave top digital marketing talent and we want to send you there. Get your foot in the door with internships that transform into real jobs upon graduation. Prove yourself, and land your dream career! This isn’t a promise, it’s our proven track record.
  • Real-World Experience From Day One:Our instructors aren’t just teachers, they’re digital marketing mavericks. Plus, you’ll gain practical skills through our in-house digital marketing agency as you study. Work on real client projects, build your portfolio, and hone your skills under our expert guidance. That way, you’ll graduate ready to dominate the job market!

The 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketers Club Isn’t Just a Class, It’s a Movement.

We’re not just training students, we’re building an elite network of 10,000 digital marketing powerhouses who will shape the future of Kenyan business. Imagine the connections, the opportunities, and the impact you’ll make! Imagine choosing jobs (instead of jobs choosing you?)

Join us and:

  • Become a highly sought-after digital marketing professional.
  • Land your dream job with a top Kenyan or International company.
  • Network with industry leaders and fellow marketing gurus.
  • Become part of a movement that’s revolutionizing Kenyan business.

Don’t just get a digital marketing education, get launched! Seats are limited- we can only admit a few every month because we want to deliver top quality. So enroll right now and become part of the next big job creator in Kenya- The 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketers Club!

This is your chance to write your success story in the booming Kenyan digital marketing landscape and move from joblessness to a thriving and fun career.

Join us and become one of Kenya’s 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketing stars!

Are you ready?

We’re more than just a digital marketing school. We’re a launchpad for your success.

Here’s the exclusive advantage you won’t find anywhere else:

  • Real-world experience, guaranteed. We partner with top Kenyan companies who crave job-ready digital marketing talentIntern with industry leaders, and graduate with a chance to land your dream job based on your skills!
  • The “Learn by Doing” Edge. Our school isn’t just theory. We run a full-fledged digital marketing agency, and you’ll get your hands dirty with real client projects. Gain practical experience while building an impressive portfolio to showcase your talents.
  • Join a Powerful Network. The 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketers Club is more than a course. It’s a community of passionate learners and industry insiders. Network with like-minded individuals, get mentored by experts, and become part of Kenya’s hottest digital marketing movement!

Imagine this: You graduate with a coveted internship at a top company, a portfolio brimming with real-world projects, and the network to propel your career. That’s the 10,000 Savvy Digital Marketers Club advantage.

Don’t just learn digital marketing. Launch your digital marketing career and take your step towards making millions as a much-sought-after digital marketer in Kenya!

 Reach out now!

To get in touch , you can use any one of these means:

P.S. We’re so confident in our program, we offer guaranteed internship placement and jobs with established businesses. We also teach you how to get into the lucrative international freelance digital marketing space. What are you waiting for? Join the movement!

We’re revolutionizing digital marketing education by offering you unmatched practical experience and direct access to top Kenyan companies seeking your skills.

Stop dreaming, start achieving!

We will also teach you:

  • How to Land a High-Paying online digital marketing jobs (full time positions)
  • How to bid and win lucrative freelance digital marketing jobs from home on websites offering digital marketing jobs


The internet has really changed the way we do things. Even businesses and solepreneurs have not been spared by the revolution and digital marketing is quickly replacing conventional marketing methods.

Indeed, it’s estimated that businesses that will not adopt online marketing could become extinct in the next couple of years..

The good news is, you can be the person to save these businesses- and make a lot of money while at it!

Imagine working as a Digital Marketer for a blue-chip company in the USA for a retainer of $1000 per month?

And you know what? The commissions are simply humongous- we have seen guys getting paid an extra $1500 in commissions alone pushing electronics, garden equipment, fashion, medicine and supplements online (there’s nothing you can’t sell digitally!).

Here is the crazy bit; there’s a massive shortage of skilled digital marketers globally!

Even better, the demand will continue rising as more companies, public organizations, NGOs and small businesses come online.

That’s a huge opportunity (and potentially millions of dollars in earnings) for anyone willing to take the jump into the world of digital marketing…

Is that you?

If you said yes……

Welcome to The Complete Digital Marketing Course – the best digital marketing course in Kenya

This Digital Marketing Training in Kenya course is for you if:

  • You’re looking to learn how to make money doing freelance digital marketing from home.
  • You’re a student who wishes to make extra cash from the numerous online marketing jobs for students in Kenya.
  • You find your current job boring and want to change to a digital marketing career.
  • You did a course in communications (Journalism, PR, Marketing, Advertising, etc) and you are still jobless and you want to give a crack to digital marketing opportunities  (They’re quite many these days)
  • You are intensely passionate about online jobs and you feel that you and digital marketing are a match made in heaven!
  • You have a vision of launching your own digital marketing agency and you want to be mentored by expert digital marketers (gurus who have sold digital products, physical products, services, and more online in both B2B and B2C spaces).


This is a course for anybody who wants to grab a piece of the online pie as a marketer for their own business, as a freelancer, or in a formal employment setup (there are dozens of well-paying digital marketing companies in Kenya).

Basic Requirements

  • KCSE certificate (minimum)- C- at least, for a Diploma in Digital Marketing, D  Plain for Certificate in Digital Marketing
  • A passion to learn.
  • No experience required.


Of all colleges offering digital marketing courses in Kenya and digital marketing schools in the wider East African region, we are ranked the best..


The complete Digital Marketing course in Kenya- frequently asked questions

How much is digital marketing course fees in Kenya?

We have a discount at the moment..instead of paying Kshs.100000, you pay just 50% of the fees ..That’s right. Just 50K will launch you into a potentially lucrative digital marketing career..

And imagine you may earn over 50k in just 1 month?

What’s more?

We allow you to pay in easy monthly installments- Pay just 20,000 kshs. for the first month and Kshs.15,000 for the second and third month.

So, yes …we give you friendly terms because we understand your economic situation!

How long is a digital marketing course?

Our course takes 3 months- 4 hours per day. Online takes about 4 months, depending on the time you devote to the course.

How much is the digital marketing salary in Kenya?

Pay starts from 30k (but can rise to 150k) on average for full-time positions locally.

However, you can earn over 100k working remotely for foreign companies.

Of course, experienced freelancers earn well above this amount.

Get in touch now: +254797532345

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