Here is why you should consider working online in Kenya…
Top 8 Advantages of work online Kenya
Flexible schedule
You can always take breaks at any given moment.
You also feel no urgency to hang up on family members/friends when they call not to mention that you can take lunch at any crazy time you want.
You choose your working environment
Set up your working surroundings just the way you love it — somewhere between dead quiet situations to having Lady Gaga latest hit rocking in the background.
No suits or insanely uncomfortable clothes
You select to wear those funny sweatpants from campus or the leggings your pals don’t think you own.
You are in charge of your space
You won’t have to deal with an annoyingly chatty co-worker, a bossy boss, random noises from God-knows-where.
Granted, pets and kids at home can be a bother for online workers but they are way easier to handle than when working in a formal office where everything is out of your hands.
Knock off some offday/weekend to-do’s
No more piling the laundry until the weekend or your offday.
Plus, you can rush to the supermarket for groceries before it’s too late.
Zero commuting (and hellish traffic jams!)
Your only commute? From bed to your working desk.
Hey, life can’t be nicer!
Save money
Lunch can be expensive when working in town.
And at home?
You save big time by going to the store and preparing your own clean, healthier food.
Enjoy More time with your loved ones
You take care of an ailing significant other comfortably at home, bond with your darling, the kids meet you when they come from school, get some extra precious metime…you name it!
CPA John Gitahi is a trainer at Kenya Online College, Kenya Institute of Information Technology and NITA and has been involved in education all his life. He is very passionate about helping young people make great career choices. He’s a savvy digital marketer. Also AI Expert. A mentor to many too. He studied Commerce and ICT at the University. He is also an avid traveller.. Questions? Email him: