Online accounting jobs in Kenya: The complete beginner course

If you’re a budding accountant/bookkeeper looking to break into online accounting jobs in Kenya and across the globe, you should consider enrolling in our comprehensive preparatory course.

You see, a lot of companies and small businesses are outsourcing their books, payroll, reconciliations, and tax returns to remote/online accountants primarily because:

  1. It’s cost effective for them compared to maintaining a fulltime accountant/bookkeeper.
  2. It’s easier for them to recruit freelance accounting personnel virtually- websites offering online finance and accounting jobs only register qualified manpower so they spare recruiters the pain of carrying out tiring and time consuming interviews when hiring.

More good news:

Besides having plenty of opportunities to advance your career working with different entrepreneurs and firms from any country on the planet, you’ll enjoy unmatched freedom when it comes to online accounting jobs from home.

You, for example, work when you feel like it (provided you beat deadlines).

Plus, you can work from anywhere- a hotel, your bedroom, the beach…you name it.

More importantly, your monthly remuneration can be significantly higher than what most 8-5 accounting positions pay locally (guys make between kshs.50000-100000 working online).

Does this sound like something that could interest you?

If yes, welcome to the…


Online finance and accounting jobs in Kenya: The complete beginner training program that unlocks online finance jobs in Kenya and in other countries


To work remotely in these highly in demand positions, you must have the skills that clients are looking for.

There’s no way around it, friend..

For instance, you must understand how popular online accounting software like QuickBooks and Sage work.

In addition, you must know your way round commonly used spreadsheet applications such as Excel and Google Sheets.

Still, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the accounting language employers use in emerging subsectors such as e-Commerce businesses.

You get the idea..

The best part is: You don’t have to hustle and fumble around on your own- our course will take you from a novice to a pro in a few short weeks (more on this later).

Of course, we start by teaching you the technical bits- using the apps, where to look for bookkeeping jobs from home, the nitty-gritties of applying and winning jobs, and how to make customers keep coming back.

Here are some of the other key things you’ll learn:

  • How to communicate professionally with clients who hire for virtual bookkeeping jobs.
  • How to make customers keep coming back.
  • How to brand yourself.
  • Other little known ways to grow your online freelance accounting business/consultancy.

In a nutshell, this is simply the only course you’ll ever need to start making money as a remote accountant/bookkeeper (and land remote bookkeeping jobs consistently).

And yes, it’s the first and so far the only course of its kind in Kenya and East Africa.

How we deliver the complete beginner course for online finance and accounting jobs in Kenya.

You can choose to attend the course in-person or opt for online classes if you cannot make it to our one-on-one lessons.

Either way, the training teaches you all the skills you require to start and build a tremendously profitable online accounting side hustle working for local and mostly international clients.


Online finance and accounting jobs in Kenya course requirements

You should have a solid understanding of accounting essentials and bookkeeping techniques before taking this course- a background in CPA is especially crucial.

From  A/R, A/P, Financial Statements, Payroll, Bank Reconciliations,  Budgeting, Forecasting, Taxes, etc. you’ll need to have the basics.

To be clear, this program is not designed to lecture on the basics of accounting or even how to use a computer.

Instead, we look at:

  • The dos and don’ts of entry level virtual bookkeeping jobs.
  • The tools you need to succeed bookkeeping jobs online /virtual assistant bookkeeping.
  • and more..

Course duration

This practical bookkeeping remotely training takes 4 weeks (Monday to Friday, 2 hours daily).

Online training may take a little longer (6 weeks or thereabouts) though you can shorten the time by devoting more time to the program.

Your investment

The course goes for a discounted fee of shs.20000/- and shs.15000/- for purely online classes.

So, what do you get?

  • In-depth training intended to make you the go-to online accountant/ bookkeeping virtual assistant.
  • 3 month after course mentorship from our tutors and online community.
  • ‘Live’ accounts to bid for online accounting jobs for students from including with trusted virtual bookkeeping companies.
  • A certificate of completion to prove your credibility to employers.

And there’s a whole lot more.

Please hurry since the price will go up soon.


Who’s the course best for?

  • Anybody who’s looking to make extra money from part time remote bookkeeping jobs from direct clients or the best accounting freelance sites.
  • Anybody who has been struggling to land well-paying virtual accounting stay-at-home jobs.
  • Any CPA student who has decided to make money bookkeeping online.


About the Trainers

Our trainers have been there, done that- they have worked as freelance bookkeepers/accountants and have built up tons of expertise on everything virtual accounting.

Most of all, these are passionate educators who love mentoring students and other jobseekers.


About Us

We are the only college accredited to offer training for online jobs in Kenya- we are deeply passionate about fighting unemployment in our country using our peerless knowledge of the internet space.

Indeed, we are proud to have trained hundreds of young men and women, most of whom are today making good income working online in Kenya.

In short, our mission is simple: to connect you to online opportunities that are yet to be fully exploited.


What next?

Please visit our campus and enroll or register online here (if you prefer online training – subject to admissions being open)..

You can call 0797 532 345 if you have further questions…


In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”  – Albert Einstein

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