5 Simple Tips to Start Your Career in Digital Marketing in Kenya

Hey there!

My name is John Gitahi, a renowned Digital Marketer and a passionate Digital Marketing Trainer at Kenya Online College and I want to share with you something important about how you can succeed in digital marketing as a career…

First, allow me to tell you this:

Now, if you’ve ever thought about diving into the world of digital marketing, now’s the perfect time (there’s a huge shortage of properly skilled digital marketers not just in Kenya but globally).

Then, of course, it’s a super exciting career, and there’s so much freedom that comes with it…the money can be good and you can work from anywhere..imagine working from a beach somewhere on the coast?

Let me now break down some easy steps to help you get started right here in Kenya, if you really want to jump into digital marketing as a career.đŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș

5 Simple Tips to Start Your Career in Digital Marketing in Kenya

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1. Sign Up for Online Courses

This is pretty obvious:

Start by taking some online courses in Digital marketing in Kenya like the one offered at our very own Kenya Online College.

You see, these courses are like having a teacher right in your laptop and have helped dozens of students successfully get the skills that employers demand for…nothing sells like great digital marketing skills wherever you apply..

Indeed, here we don’t talk about connections..clients want skills so if you have what they’re looking for, then my friend you’ll be hired pretty fast.

We have seen it happening with our students here and really, nothing is more amazing than getting hired out of college

In short, start by learning the basics of digital marketing from the comfort of your home in Nairobi or anywhere else in Kenya.

It’s one of the most fantastic ways to build a strong foundation for your new career!


2. Practice What You Learn

digital marketing Kenya

After you’ve done some learning, it’s time to get hands-on…remember we have a lot of practicals here at Kenya Online College to expose you..

But we also encourage you to try helping out a local business (Maybe help a small shop with their social media) with their digital marketing campaigns or even start a project of your own… perhaps you can create a simple blog.


Well, this real-life practice is super important and will make your skills shine when you’re looking for a job in digital marketing in Kenya.

What sets us apart is that we help connect you with real businesses and companies looking for help when it comes to digital marketing both for the internship and after-course apprenticeship.

And yes, that is how some of our best students end up getting hired….they go for apprenticeship and shine so the organization doesn’t want to let them go and hire them.


3. Keep Up with the Latest Trends

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Friend, digital marketing changes all the time..yeah, things evolve so fast, so you need to stay updated.

I’m sure you’ve heard about artificial intelligence and how it has revolutionized everything…that is just an example of how quickly trends change in this field.

So follow blogs and listen to podcasts by great personalities in digital marketing….just do a simple Google search and you’ll come across plenty of them

In addition, there are some great blogs, for instance, Moz and online communities including on Reddit that share tips and trends.

In a nutshell?

Staying informed will help you stay ahead and know what’s hot in the industry.


4. Try Different Marketing Areas

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Digital marketing isn’t just one thing; it’s many things!

Many beginners think digital marketing is all about posting on Whatsapp status and Tiktok…How wrong!


  • There’s SEO (which helps people find websites), social media marketing, email marketing, and many, many more.
  • Therefore, try out different areas to see what you enjoy the most (we discuss them in detail during our lessons).


If you like writing, content marketing might be fun for you.

If you enjoy analyzing data, SEO could be your thing.

And so on..


5. Connect with Others and Find a Mentor

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It’s super helpful to meet people who are already working in digital marketing such as yours truly….talk to me if you want a hand to hold onto until you land your first job/gig.

Besides, go to events bringing digital marketers together, join online groups on digital marketing such as Digital Marketing Kenya Facebook group, attend webinars by popular digital marketers, and more.


In Kenya, there are plenty of chances to meet professionals who can share their experiences and help guide you…we keep inviting them to come speak to you here at Kenya Online College so learning with us can be a great way to learn and make connections that can help with your career.


Need Help with getting started in Digital Marketing in Kenya?

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If you’re excited to get started but need some guidance, just whatsapp me on 0797 532 345.

I will be glad to share our 100% free course on digital marketing to help you get started.


Later on, you can join our exclusive premium course that covers everything you need to know about digital marketing to start getting hired.


Who knows?

You reading this could be the start of a cool career in digital marketing.

Let’s make this journey awesome together!

And be great!



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