Graphic Design course in Kenya

Unleash Your Creativity. Design Your Dream Career.

Ever dream of turning your artistic vision into a powerful tool?

Do You See the World Differently? Can You Translate That Vision into Something Extraordinary? Are you looking for a side hustle that can help you make money from your creative skills?

If you see the world through a designer’s lens, with a fire in your belly and a yearning to create, Kenya Online College’s Graphic Design course can be your launchpad.

Do you dream in colors? Does the world come alive for you in shapes and stories?

Kenya Online College’s Graphic Design course, one of the best Graphic Design courses in Kenya, can turn your artistic passion into a powerful force for change.

Imagine crafting visuals that captivate hearts, launch brands and businesses, and shape the future of Kenya’s vibrant creative scene.

This isn’t just about learning software.Hell No! At Kenya Online College we are very different…and we do more.

We teach you the skills employers are craving for, empower you to make you a wholesome professional, and even connect you to jobs!

We’ll ignite your creative spark, hone your design intuition, and guide you to develop a unique artistic voice.

More importantly, you’ll learn from industry veterans who understand how the industry operates and needs when it comes to making money as an in-demand graphics designer and standing out in the market.

Imagine the possibilities:

  • The money you can make as a full-time graphic designer or even while doing graphics designing as a side hustle – there’s a lot of money in this career especially if you practice all the exclusive secrets to success we teach you..
  • The pride of seeing your designs come to lifeon websites, YouTube, TV, logos, packaging, and marketing materials….nothing is as satisfying as captivating audiences through your in-born creativity.
  • Businesses chasing after you because you excel in helping them communicate their brand story, build their online presence, and connect with customers through captivating visuals.
  • Employers headhunting you and paying you more because your designs are being talked about by every big fish in the industry.
  • Becoming a sought-after designer in advertising agencies, design studios, or even launching your own freelance business (Becoming a force in Kenya’s creative landscape, leaving a lasting visual impact by crafting designs that leave a lasting impression).

Don’t just dream it, design it.

So, what is graphics design course in Kenya?

Now, we understand that you could be new to this so let us take a moment and explain what exactly is a Graphic Design course.

Well, in simple language, Graphic Design course in Kenya equips you with the skills, competencies, and knowledge that enables you to create visually compelling content.

When we say content, we mean anything from logos (every company needs a logo)  and branding materials such as posters and banners all the way to social media graphics to be posted on Instagram, FB, X (twitter) and more.

It also includes graphics you see on website such as ours, and even product packaging (Every packaging material from papers used to pack bread to milk and even bottles used to pack soft drinks is worked on by a graphic designer).

Is there demand for graphic designers in Kenya? (is graphic design marketable in Kenya)

Big Yeeeees- there is a huge demand for graphic designers in Kenya.

Here’s Why Graphic Design course in Kenya:


Booming Creative Industry:

Kenya’s creative industry is experiencing significant growth.

In fact, more and more businesses are now increasingly recognizing the importance of strong visual communication for branding, marketing, and online presence.
This, in turn, translates to a surging demand for skilled graphic designers (like you) who can create captivating visuals that resonate with their target audience.

best graphic design schools in kenya

Digital Marketing & Social Media:

The rise of digital marketing and social media is another factor that has contributed to the massive need for visually appealing content.

Now, when it comes to online content, you as a graphic designer is hired to create everything from infographics and social media posts to website layouts and e-commerce banners.


You get hired across all industries:

The other reason is that graphic designers are employed across a whole range of industries..

Sure, in the past you could only get work in a creative agency but not anymore…

Today you get jobs from advertising and marketing firms, branding companies, web design firms, printing businesses, organizations that make product packaging materials, real estate companies like Optiven (they need you to create online graphics nearly daily)….. there’s an infinite market for qualified graphic designers in various sectors.

What’s more?

You can even make serious cash online as a freelance graphics designer on platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr (we will show you how to make money online as a freelance graphic designer).


Specialization Options:

The graphic design field offers various specializations, such as user experience (UX) design, branding design, or motion graphics.

Our course will help target the fields that match your interests and passions within the field.

Of course, we will prepare you to work in agencies, design studios, or even launch your own freelance businesses.


Overall, a Graphic Design course is a valuable investment for anyone who wants to develop their creative skills, pursue a career in the design field, or simply enhance their chances of getting a job after graduating with a communications course such as PR or journalism.


Graphic Design course outline in Kenya

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to learn in a Graphic Design course:

Design Fundamentals:

You’ll delve into the core principles of design, such as color theory, composition, typography, and layout. These principles are the foundation for creating visually balanced and appealing designs.

Design Software:

You’ll master industry-standard software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These tools allow you to create manipulate images, illustrations, and design layouts digitally.

Visual Storytelling:

Our graphic design course goes beyond aesthetics.

You’ll also learn how to use visuals to tell stories, evoke emotions, and convey messages in a clear and concise way.

Branding & Identity Design:

Discover how to create a brand identity that is consistent, recognizable, and resonates with the target audience.

This involves logo design, brand color palettes, and overall visual communication style.

User Experience (UX) Design (Essentials):

You will also learn about basic UX design principles, which focus on creating user-friendly and intuitive interfaces for websites and applications.


Benefits of Taking a Graphic Design Course:

  • Develop Marketable Skills: As we saw earlier, Graphic design is a growing field in Kenya, and skilled designers are in high demand. Taking our graphic design course can arm you with the skills you need to launch a successful career in this industry.
  • Boost Your Creativity: The course will encourage you to explore your creative side and develop your unique artistic voice.
  • Become a Better Communicator: Graphic design teaches you how to communicate ideas visually, which is a valuable skill in any profession.
  • Online Freelancing Opportunities: The skills you learn can be leveraged for freelance work online, allowing you to work on projects you’re passionate about remotely (you set your own schedule).


More about Graphic Design course in Kenya (at Kenya Online College)

  • Master the tools of the trade: Learn industry-standard software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create stunning graphics, layouts, and branding materials.
  • Develop your design eye: Sharpen your understanding of color, composition, typography, and visual storytelling to craft impactful designs that resonate with your audience.
  • Learn from the best: Gain insights from experienced industry professionals who will guide you through real-world design challenges and portfolio development.
  • Get connected to jobs: Upon completion of the course, we hook you up with internships where you go refine your skills further. Your internship could see you end up getting hired (if you prove yourself)
  • Join a thriving community: Connect with passionate instructors and fellow design enthusiasts, who can form a powerful network that opens doors for you to thrive beyond your wildest imagination.


In short, we will make you a master of the skills that are in high demand by Kenya’s booming creative industries.


We believe in the power of design to transform.

Our course is not just about pixels and software; it’s about communicating stories, sparking emotions, and shaping the world around us.

You see: The world craves captivating visuals, and Kenya Online College’s Graphic Design course can equip you with the skills to deliver them.


Why choose Kenya Online College for Graphic Design?

  • Flexibility that fits your life: Physical classes three days a week (4 hours daily) or Learn online at your own pace with our convenient online format, which is perfect if you have a busy schedule.
  • Market-focused curriculum: We don’t teach outdated skills…you will master in-demand skills that are highly marketable in Kenya’s booming creative industries.
  • Career support: Get one-on-one guidance and industry connections to help you land your dream design job.

is graphic design marketable in kenya

Graphic Design course requirements in Kenya

  • Basic computer skills
  • Have completed form 4 (D-) minimum


Course Duration

3 months


Course Intakes

Every first Monday of the month.


Course fees

You pay Kshs.10,000/- per month for 3 months (making it a total of Kshs.30000/-)

The fees covers:

  • Tuition
  • Practicals and Labs
  • Mentorship by industry leaders
  • Classes on making money online as a graphics designer
  • Networking and industry linkage facilitation fees
  • Certification fee

*Insurance fees might be applicable depending on where we send you for internship.

Enroll today and unleash your creative potential by whatsapping or calling 0797 532 345!

You can also enroll online here.


Best graphic design schools in Kenya

Kenya Online College – Best graphic design course in Nairobi

KOC (Kenya Online College) offers what is perhaps the most comprehensive and updated (in terms of skills) graphics design course in Kenya, both online and in-person classes.

Enroll today and unleash your creative potential by whatsapping or calling 0797 532 345!

Kenya Online College is at GatKim Complex, Along Temple Road, Behind Ronald Ngala Street, Nairobi (2nd Floor)

You can also reach out to them if you’re searching for the best graphic design short courses in Nairobi


Academy of Digital Designs Nakuru

Located in Nakuru, ADD Academy also offers a graphics design course for residents of Nakuru and its environs.

Call them for details.


Kenya School of Graphics

KSG is in Nairobi Westlands and is another registered College offering  Graphics designing course in Kenya.

Find them at Prime House, Westlands.


Eldoret School of Graphics

ESG as they are popularly known offers several Graphic design courses in Eldoret including in Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.

They are in Barngetuny Plaza.


Web and graphic design salary in Kenya

There is definitely money to be made in graphic design in Kenya.

However, the exact amount you can earn depends on several factors, including:

  • Your experience level: Entry-level graphic designers can expect to earn a lower salary than experienced designers with a strong portfolio and proven track record.
  • Your skillset: Specialization in certain areas like user experience (UX) design, branding, or motion graphics can potentially lead to higher earning potential.
  • Your work environment: Salaries can vary depending on whether you work in an agency, design studio, freelance for various clients, or start your own business.
  • Your location: Salaries might be higher in major cities like Nairobi compared to smaller towns.

Here’s a general idea of what you might expect:

  • Entry-level: Fresh graduates might start in the range of Ksh 25,000 – Ksh 40,000 per month.
  • Mid-level (3-5 years experience): Designers with some experience can earn Ksh 50,000 – Ksh 70,000 per month.
  • Senior-level (5+ years experience): Highly experienced designers can command salaries exceeding Ksh 100,000 per month.

Freelance Rates:

Freelance graphic designers typically charge an hourly rate or a flat fee per project. Rates can vary depending on experience and the complexity of the project, but can range from Ksh 1,000 – Ksh 15,000 per hour.

Graphic Design course in Kenya – final words

Overall, graphic design can be a rewarding career path in Kenya, offering good earning potential and opportunities for growth.

By honing your skills, building a strong portfolio, and staying updated on industry trends, you can position yourself for success in this dynamic field.




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