Photography Courses in Kenya: Unveiling Your Creative Vision

Kenya boasts a vibrant landscape and rich culture, making it a photographer’s paradise.

And that means one of the courses you can consider doing if you’re looking for a marketable course is Photography Courses in Kenya.

With that in mind, let us look at everything you need to know about Photography Course in Kenya from colleges offering photography courses including online photography courses in Kenya to photography courses in Kenya requirements.

Photography Courses in Kenya: what you need to know about photography courses in Nairobi and outside the city

If you’re looking to capture the essence of Kenya through your lens, here’s a breakdown of photography courses that you can pursue in Kenya:

Types of Photography Courses Kenya:

Photography Basics:

This introductory course is usually your stepping stone.

You will learn camera operation, exposure settings, composition techniques, and obviously basic photo editing skills.

Genre-Specific Photography:

Here you delve deeper into specific areas.

These could be specialized photography niches such as:

Wildlife photography

You might be aware that Kenya is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts.

So offering wildlife photography tours or specializing in capturing specific animals like lions, elephants, or the Great Migration for tour firms or even your own online platforms can be a great way of attracting tourists and nature lovers (and that comes with money).


Landscape photography

Landscape photography is simply the art of capturing the vastness and beauty of natural scenery.

Just so you know, it covers a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Mountains, forests, and other landforms
  • Oceans, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls
  • Sunrises, sunsets, and other atmospheric phenomena
  • Rural and urban landscapes

Your aim as a landscape photographer is to create images that evoke a sense of awe, peace, or wonder at the natural world.

In essence, Landscape photography can be a rewarding hobby or a professional career.

More importantly, it allows you to explore the outdoors, connect with nature, and capture its beauty in a way that can be shared with others (for money).


Portrait photography

Portrait photography is, on the other hand, the art of capturing the personality, expression, and likeness of a person or group of people.

In fact, it’s a versatile genre that can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Personal portraits: Capturing cherished memories of family and friends.
  • Professional portraits: Creating headshots for resumes, business profiles, or social media branding.
  • Fashion photography: Highlighting clothing and accessories in a stylish and creative way.
  • Fine art photography: Using portraiture as a medium for artistic expression and storytelling.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned photographer, portrait photography offers a creative and rewarding outlet to express yourself and capture the beauty of the human form.

In terms of how much you can earn as a portrait photographer, starting photographers might earn around Ksh 30,000-Ksh 40,000 per month, depending on the number of clients and projects you secure.


Wedding photography.

Wedding photography is quite popular in Kenya and captures the emotions, traditions, and beauty of a Kenyan wedding celebration.

In short, it’s a specialized field that requires you to have a unique blend of technical skills, creativity, and cultural understanding to stand out

Now, wedding photography can be a lucrative career path for you, though your success depends on factors such as:

  • Your Experience Level: You  might start with lower rates (around Ksh 50,000 – Ksh 70,000 per wedding) while well-established photographers with a strong reputation can command premium rates exceeding Ksh 100,000 or more.
  • Package Offerings: You make more if you’ll be offering comprehensive packages that include engagement shoots, full day coverage, and high-quality albums than when you’re offering basic services.
  • Location: You can ask for more if you’re a wedding photographer in Nairobi compared to when you’re practicing in smaller towns such as Kisii.
  • Clientele: Needless to say, you are likely to get paid better if you’ll be working with high-end clientele or even destination weddings.


Additional photography niches:

  • Astro-Photography: Kenya’s vast open spaces and minimal light pollution provide ideal conditions for capturing stunning images of the night sky. This niche caters to astronomy enthusiasts and those fascinated by celestial phenomena.
  • Architectural Photography: Kenya’s diverse architecture, from historical buildings and modern skyscrapers to traditional villages, offers a rich landscape for architectural photographers. Documenting the country’s architectural heritage or partnering with architects and real estate companies can be very lucrative for you.
  • Food Photography: With Kenya’s vibrant culinary scene, food photography is a growing niche. Partnering with restaurants, food bloggers, or offering food styling services can be a delicious way to build your photography career.
  • Event Photography: Documenting conferences, festivals, concerts, and other events can be a fulfilling niche. Developing strong relationships with event planners and organizations can lead to consistent work opportunities.
  • Macro Photography: The world of close-up photography offers endless possibilities. From capturing intricate details of flowers and insects to showcasing the textures and patterns of everyday objects, macro photography will see you cater to a specific audience while allowing for creative exploration.
  • Product Photography: E-commerce is booming in Kenya, and high-quality product photography is crucial for online businesses. Specializing in product photography and partnering with online stores or product manufacturers can be another stable source of income.
  • Documentary Photography: Social documentary photography uses images to raise awareness about social issues, cultural practices, or humanitarian efforts. This niche requires you to possess a strong sense of social responsibility and storytelling skills.
  • Underwater Photography: If you love the underwater world, specializing in capturing the beauty and diversity of marine life can be a fascinating niche. The only downside is that it requires to invest in specific equipment as well as diving certifications. But it can help you make unbelievable income.
  • Aerial Photography: Drone technology is with us and its popularity is rising so it is yet another great photography niche you can consider. Your major market is real estate companies, event’s organizers, and myriad creative projects.

Remember, the key to success in any niche is to develop your skills- which is where a good photography course in Kenya comes in- understand your target audience, and effectively market yourself within that specific market segment.

photography courses in nairobi

Film Photography (in some colleges):

Here you explore the classic art of film photography, learning about different film types, developing processes, and achieving unique aesthetic results.

Advanced Techniques:

On a more advanced level, you get to master advanced lighting setups, studio photography, photo editing software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, and post-processing techniques.

Business of Photography:

An important part of the course is understanding the business side of photography, covering marketing strategies, client management, pricing your work, and building a successful photography career.

Colleges offering multimedia courses in Kenya such as Kenya Online College offer a very comprehensive photography-as-a-business module.


Where to study Photography course:


A few universities offer Photography programs.

However, most do that as part of a bigger course such as Journalism.


Private Photography Schools such as Kenya Online College Photography Academy:

Leading private photography schools such as Kenya Online College (Call or Whatsapp them on 0797 532 345) are perhaps your best bet..these colleges offer more intensive courses ranging from a few weeks to several months.

These schools are also more popular because they often focus on practical skills and portfolio development- a portfolio is super important when you start looking for gigs after completing your course.

Don’t forget that these schools typically very detailed short photography courses in Kenya.



Online Photography Courses:

Your final option is Kenya-specific online platforms such as Kenya Online College E-learning hub- these provide maximum flexibility if you’re looking to learn photography at your own pace.


Photography courses in Kenya requirements

Now that we have looked at where to enroll for the course (remember for photography courses in Nairobi you can again check out Kenya Online College’s open photography course), let us take a look at the minimum entry requirements for the course:

  • Basic computer skills
  • Have completed form 4 (D-) minimum


Course Duration

3 months


Course Intakes

Every first Monday of the month.


Course fees

You pay Kshs.10,000/- per month for 3 months (making it a total of Kshs.30000/-)

The fees covers:

  • Tuition
  • Practicals and Labs (shoots and editing)
  • Mentorship by industry leaders
  • Classes on making money online as a photographer
  • Networking and industry linkage facilitation fees
  • Certification fee

*Insurance fees might be applicable depending on where we send you for internship.

*Out of field costs such as transport may arise occasionally.

Enroll today and unleash your creative potential by whatsapping or calling 0797 532 345!

You can also enroll online here.

Is photography course marketable in Kenya?

A photography course in Kenya can be marketable, but the level of marketability depends on several factors:

Course Focus and Skills Learned:

  • Genre-Specific Courses: Courses that focus on in-demand photography genres like wedding, portrait, or commercial photography tend to be more marketable as they meet specific client needs. Learning the business aspects of photography alongside technical skills is also valuable.
  • Advanced Techniques: While foundational skills are important, mastering advanced techniques like lighting setups, studio photography, and professional editing software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop can make you a more competitive photographer.

Marketability also depends on how you leverage the course:

  • Building a Portfolio: A strong portfolio showcasing your best work as a beginner is crucial for attracting clients. Use the course assignments and projects to build a diverse portfolio that reflects your skills and style.
  • Networking and Marketing: Connect with other photographers, join photography clubs or associations, and utilize social media platforms to build your online presence and network with potential clients.
  • Continuous Learning: The photography industry is, of course, ever-evolving. Ensure you stay updated on the latest trends, techniques, and editing software to remain competitive.

Here’s a breakdown of marketability based on your goals:

  • Getting a Photography Job: A photography course can equip you with the technical skills and knowledge to apply for entry-level photographer positions at studios, event companies, or marketing agencies. However, experience and a strong portfolio are often crucial for securing full-time photography jobs.
  • Becoming a Freelance Photographer: Photography courses can provide a solid foundation for freelancing, but success requires additional skills like business management, marketing, and client communication.
  • Adding Photography Skills to Another Profession: Photography skills can be a valuable asset in various fields like graphic design, social media marketing, or event planning. A photography course can enhance your existing skillset and open up new career opportunities.

Here are some additional tips to increase your marketability after taking a photography course:

  • Specialize in a Niche: Consider focusing on a specific photography genre to cater to a specific market and become known for your expertise.
  • Offer Competitive Rates: Research market rates for photographers in your area and experience level, and set competitive pricing packages.
  • Provide Excellent Customer Service: Build positive relationships with clients by being professional, responsive, and delivering high-quality work.

colleges offering photography courses

Choosing the Right Course:

Consider your experience level: Are you a complete beginner or looking to refine existing skills? Kenya online college (one of the best photography schools in Nairobi) has beginner classes to expert photography classes.

Interests: What kind of photography excites you? Choose a course that aligns with your passion.


Course format: Do you prefer a structured classroom setting, online learning, or hands-on workshops? If you have a busy schedule, consider taking the online photography course offered by Kenya Online College, probably the best photography school in Kenya.


Cost and Time Commitment: Factor in the tuition fees and time commitment required for each course. Online courses tend to be more affordable.’


Bonus Tips:

  • Join Photography Clubs and Associations: Connecting with local photography clubs or associations can provide valuable networking opportunities and learning from experienced photographers for you as a beginner.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Photography workshops and seminars are often held in Kenya by companies such as Canon and Nikkon, offering intensive learning experiences with renowned photographers. These can go a long way in enhancing your exposure.
  • Kenyan Online Photography Communities: Look for online communities of photographers in Kenya to share your work, receive feedback, and stay updated on the industry.


Remember: Passion and practice are key ingredients for success in photography. A well-chosen course can provide a solid foundation and a springboard for your creative journey.

 Final words

Overall, a photography course in Kenya can be a valuable stepping stone for a career in photography.

That said, skills alone may not see you succeed in a big way….you need a combination of technical skills, business acumen, a strong portfolio, and a proactive approach to marketing yourself to become a big brand.


Enroll for the best Photography Course in Kenya at Kenya Online College academy of photography today by whatsapping or calling 0797 532 345!

You can also enroll online here.




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